DTS | DTS is a Dynamic Type System run-time environment |
DtsDigest | A scalar hash of a DtsObjectVec |
DtsField | DtsField is a vector class used to describe a field specification such as foo.bar.baz translated into numeric identifiers for fast lookup |
DtsObject | A DtsObject is an auto-pointer to a DtsObject_ instance |
DtsObject_ | DtsObject_ instances should only be used via DtsObject auto-pointers (the auto-pointer keeps track of reference counts for the user) |
DtsObjectVec | A vector of DtsObject elements |
DynamicArray< T > | This is a wrapper around vector which grows the array as necessary to satisfy [] operations |
FieldVec | A vector of fields from a DtsObject |
FieldVecDB< T > | A persistent store for per-vector state |
FieldVecDict< T > | A dictionary for FieldVec keys |
FieldVecElement | An element of a FieldVec |
FieldVecHash< T > | A map for FieldVec keys. The key itself is not stored, just a hash |
FieldVecSet | A hash_set for FieldVec |
Filelist | A pure virtual base for classes that return filenames |
FilelistArgs | Return file names from an argument vector |
FilelistBounded | Return filenames from an index file |
FilelistConstant | Return a single filename |
FilelistError | Never return a file name |
FilelistOneshot | Return a single filename |
FilelistStdin | Return file names from STDIN |
SmacqGraph | This is a container for an SmacqGraphNode which may have multiple heads or tails |
SmacqGraphNode | This is a node in a graph. Each node references its parents and children |
SmacqModule | A virtual base class for SMACQ modules |
SmacqModule::SmacqModule::algebra | The algebra element is optional and is used only by the dataflow optimizer |
SmacqModule::SmacqModule::smacq_init | This context structure is passed to SmacqModule constructors |
SmacqScheduler | This is a scheduler for processing any number of SmacqGraph instances |
StrucioStream | Pure-virtual base class for input streams |
StrucioWriter | A file writer for structured data |
ThreadedSmacqModule | A virtual base clase for SMACQ modules that are executed with in their own "thread" instead of being event-driven |
ThreadSafeBoolean | A thread-safe boolean value |
ThreadSafeContainer< T, CONTAINER > | A base class for thread-safe containers |
ThreadSafeCounter | An atomic, thread-safe counter |
ThreadSafeDynamicArray< T > | A thread-safe dynamic array |
ThreadSafeMap< KEY, VALUE, LT > | A Thread-safe map based on an STL map |
ThreadSafeMultiSet< T > | A thread-safe multiset |
ThreadSafeRandomAccessContainer< T, CONTAINER > | A base class for random-access thread-safe containers |
ThreadSafeStack< T > | A thread-safe version of the STL stack class |
ThreadSafeVector< T > | A thread-safe version of the STL vector class |