FieldVec Class Reference

A vector of fields from a DtsObject. More...

#include <FieldVec.h>

Collaboration diagram for FieldVec:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

bool getfields (DtsObject o)
 Initialize fields from this DtsObject. Return true if one or more fields present.
bool has_undefined () const
 Return true iff one of the vector elements is undefined for this DtsObject.
void init (DTS *, int argc, const char **argv)
 Initialize field vector from an argument vector.
 FieldVec ()
 Construct an empty vector. Use init() to initialize later.
 FieldVec (DTS *dts, int argc, const char **argv)
 Construct and initialize field vector from an argument vector.
DtsObjectVecgetobjs ()
 Return a copy of the vector of current objects.
const DtsObjectVecgetobjs () const
bool operator== (const FieldVec &b) const

Detailed Description

A vector of fields from a DtsObject.

Member Function Documentation

bool FieldVec::has_undefined (  )  const [inline]

Return true iff one of the vector elements is undefined for this DtsObject.

Recomputed when getfields() is called.

void FieldVec::init ( DTS dts,
int  argc,
const char **  argv 
) [inline]

Initialize field vector from an argument vector.

Deletes any previous contents.

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