smacq Namespace Reference


class  SmacqQuery


def __init__
def run
def is_running
def fetchone
def fetchmany
def fetch_nb
def fetchall
def busy_loop
def __iter__
def next
def append
def __iadd__
def add
def __rshift__
def __add__
def __str__
def DtsObject_getdata
def DtsObject_getitem
def DtsObject_dict
def DtsObject_str
def DtsObject_repr
def DtsObject_keys


 graph = None
 dts = None
 scheduler = None
 running = False

Detailed Description

System for Modular Analysis and Continuous Queries.


Function Documentation

def smacq::__add__ (   self,

Adds two queries together, and returns a new query as a result

def smacq::__iadd__ (   self,

This is the += operator.

def smacq::__iter__ (   self  ) 

Return self in compliane with iterator protocol.

def smacq::__rshift__ (   self,

This is the >>= operator.  Joins the query on the righthand side with the query on the left.
If the right hand side is a query string, it is used to create a new query object first.

def smacq::add (   self,

Adds the query on the righthand side to the query on the left.
If the right hand side is a query string, it is used to create a new query object first.

def smacq::append (   self,

Joins this query with the other_query.  
other_query can be either a string or a SmacqGraph object

def smacq::busy_loop (   self  ) 

Runs the query until it is done, but throws out any results

def smacq::DtsObject_dict (   self  ) 

Construct a dictionary of all possible fields

def smacq::DtsObject_keys (   self,
  field_refs = False 

Returns a list of field names for this object.  
    If field_refs is True, DtsField objects are returned instead.  DtsField objects can be used instead
    of field name strings for DtsObject field lookups, and are signifigantly faster.  The DtsField
    objects will be returned in the same order as the field names.

def smacq::DtsObject_repr (   self  ) 

Return string representation of DtsObject

def smacq::DtsObject_str (   self  ) 

Return human-readable version of DtsObject by showing all of its fields

def smacq::fetch_nb (   self,
  num_results = 1 

Performs a non-blocking fetch of num_results data items.
    To test if the query is done, check the value of done().  If done is True, then a fetchall
    performed afterwards should return the remaining results without blocking.

def smacq::fetchall (   self,
  result_limit = None,
  time_limit = 0 

Fetches all results produced by the current query.  Note that querying an unbounded
    data source will cause the function to never return or run out of memory.  Returns a tuple
    containing the list of results and the reason it returned. 
    Two limiting parameters are provided: result_limit and time_limit (in seconds).  
    If either limit is reached, the query will return it's results immediately. If either limit 
    is set to None (default) or zero, it has no effect. 

def smacq::fetchmany (   self,
  num_results = 1 

Returns num_results DtsObject objects in a list.  This will wait for results if it
    needs to.  If the number of results returned is less than requested, then the 
    query has been completed.

def smacq::fetchone (   self  ) 

Fetch the next result object and return it, or None when no more data is available

def smacq::next (   self  ) 

Return the next DtsObject returned by the query.  Raise StopIteration when complete.

def smacq::run (   self,
  ignoreDups = False 

Adds this query to the main SmacqGraph and runs it.  If the scheduler hasn't already been
started, then it is started.

Variable Documentation

smacq::graph = None

Executes one or more queries in the SMACQ (System for Modular Analysis and Continous Queries) API.

Generated on Tue Oct 6 14:36:22 2009 for SMACQ by  doxygen 1.5.8